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h-index: 26


Analysis of social media brand communities and consumer engagement using CAQDAS (computer-aided qualitative data analysis) software.

In: George Rosollatos (ed). Advances in Brand Semiotics & Discourse Analysis. Wilmington, DC, Vernon Press. (2023).

Book cover Advances In Brand Semiotics and discourse analysis, book chapter written by Dr. Susanne Friese

Grounded Theory Analysis and CAQDAS: A happy pairing or remodeling GT to QDA?

In: Antony Bryant and Kathy Charmaz (eds.). The SAGE Handbook of Current Developments in Grounded Theory, 282-313. London: Sage (2021).

Book cover Sage handbook of Current Developments In Grounded Theory, edtied by Antony Bryant and Kathy Charmaz, book chapter written by Dr. Susanne Friese, expert in qualitative research methods

Role and Impact of CAQDAS Software for Designs in Qualitative Research

In: Uwe Flick (ed). The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research Design. Chapter 19. London: Sage (2022)

 Qualitative Research Design Sage Handbook Uwe Flick Role and impact of CAQDAS software on research design Friese

Qualitative Data Analysis with ATLAS.ti

Third edition. Sage Publication (2019).

Qualitative Data Analysis with ATLAS.ti Susanne Friese Sage publication

​Computergestütztes Kodieren am Beispiel narrativer Interviews.

In: Pentzold, Christian; Bischof, Andreas & Heise, Nele (Hrsg.) Praxis Grounded Theory. Theoriegenerierendes empirisches Forschen in medienbezogenen Lebenswelten. S. 277-309. Wiesbaden: Springer VS (2018).

Bucheinband Praxis Grounded Theory. Buchkapitel geschrieben bei Dr. Susanne Friese, Expertin in qualitativer Forschung

Grounded Theory computergestützt und umgesetzt mit ATLAS.ti

In: C. Equit & C. Hohage, Handbuch Grounded Theory – Von der Methodologie zur Forschungspraxis, S. 483-507. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa (2016).

Bucheinband Handbuch Grounded Theory von der Methodologie zur Forschungspraxis, Claudie equit und Christoph Hohage, Herausgeber. Buchkapitel beigetragen von Dr. Susanne Friese, Expertin in qualitativen Forschungsmethoden


Thematic content analysis with ATLAS.ti

Max-Planck Working Paper  Series (2018). Co-authored with Jacks Soratto and Denise Pires.

Max-Planck Working Paper Series (2016). CAQDAS = Computer-Aided Qualitative Data analysiS

Qualitative data Analysis Software: The State of the Art

Special Issue: Qualitative Research in the Digital Humanities, Bosch, Reinoud (Ed.), KWALON, 61, 21(1), 34-45. (2018).

I wrote this article in the year 2000 as a discussion paper. May it spark some new debate


List of all publications and presentations 1995 - 2025

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